My Favorite Quotes

"We all like to be appreciated so be truthful and contribute"

"What is and what should never be"

"Time doesn't heal pain.. living does"

"Guarda Avanti e non Voltarti mai
Accarezza con i sogni tuoi
le tue speranze e poi
Verso il giorno che verra'
C'ce un traguardo la'"

"E per avvincere
Tu dovrai vincere"

"Like stars across the sky
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe"

"Non arrenderti
Qualcuno e'con te"
Because we believe by Andrea Bocelli

"Their is no such thing as tough
Theirs trained and untrained
which are you?" Man on fire

"Every song has a CODA, a final movement, whether it fades out or crashes away. Every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music?" One tree hill

My all time favorite
"All those hopes and dreams, if having things turn out the way you wanted them to be a measure of a successful life then most of us would fail. The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn to let go of the past, recognize that everyday wont be sunny, and when you find yourself in the darkness and despair, remember its only in the black of night you see the stars. and those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, cause most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wished for maybe you'll get more than you could have imagined. who knows where life will take you. the road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination." One tree hill

Friday, June 4, 2010


Are looks important?

Do attractive people get more attention?

If this is true then what happens to the unattractive people? How are they feeling at this very moment?

I’m curious at what age did you first have boyfriends?

Have you ever had a boyfriend?

Teenage life can be such a tough struggle for the majority of us woman. We have to deal with many changes and decisions to make. We all have one major problem in common and that’s boys!

Somehow boys become a priority in our life the urge to be loved comes out in us. We put sports, education, and friendship aside. I say its all these love stories we see the kind of stories that make us cry make our hearts ache, it’s these things that make us think we need and want love!

Where boys come in competition enters and jealousy begins. At the most difficult time in our life’s where’s the girl power going?

And I’m writing this to tell you girls who haven’t had boyfriends yet! yes the fact is pretty girls do get more attention and you know what most of us girls aim so high as well were all a little vain you have to admit that! I may have been lucky in your eyes to have had a boyfriend but with a boyfriend came getting my heartbroken and passing through a lot of pain. I just want to tell you that from all I’ve been through I’ve learnt that I want to be proud of who I am I want to understand myself and I want to feel comfortable in my skin. Having a boyfriend does not solve or make all these problems go away.

So what does? the answer is very simple and its... you! Believing in yourself and setting out goals to reach is what will make you happy and understand yourself and your needs!

I think the key to a good relationship is that you know yourself and how can you know yourself at such a young age? I’m not saying if you get the chance to be with a guy not to take it all I’m saying is they don’t make films for girls who don’t get attention and who don’t have boyfriends and the fact is we are the majority of girls! We all have insecurities and we all have our bad days your not alone!

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