Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My beauty tips
I'd like to start off with my face! Im a picker and I suffer with mild acne. Throughout my life i've tried so many different kinds of products and advice from people and to me these were the best products and advice;
Dont pick! (Thats a hard one!)
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (Never a problem for me because I drink so much!)
Herbal teas such as peppermint
Try avoid eating junk fast food
Zinc supplements - one of the most important minerals in the body it helps normal cell division, growth, and repair, wound healing, and hormone regulating (food rich in zinc eggs, crab, lobster, oysters, brazil nuts, soya beans, and pumpkin seeds)
Going on the pill- to balance out your hormones
Tea tree based products- Tea tree is antiseptic and antibacterial
Sudocrem- Reduces the spots redness! this stuff works miracles it can get a bit messy I just put a lump on my spot and stay with it when i'm at home and just leave it as long as I can. Its also good because helps with the harsh products that may be prescribed to you that tend to dry up your face.
Aloe Vera gel
Clay masks- an example is Bentonite Clay power
Aknicare- this brand is so good! it has got a full range of products which really work! it even has make up that hides blemishes so well! I use the cream, lotion, face wash and fluid powder
Toner- Buy rosewater and witch hazel and mix them together
Roc Renewex microdermabrasion expert kit- this is for mature skin its meant to give you a younger looking skin. I use it to clean my face get rid of all the dry skin and it helps with my scars
Facials- I dont let people pick my acne spots! when I do go get a facial all I do is intensive pulse lights (IPL) blue light to remove bacteria, yellow i think to drain, and red for cell production
My natural color hair is ash blonde at the age of 13 I dyed my hair COPPER and ever since then all its seen is dye and more dye! getting out the red is always a challenge! My advise to you is if you've never dyed your hair dont!!!!!! but if you really want to change the way you look or maybe your image then i would try highlights or toner dyes
Toners can only make your hair darker if you want to go lighter your going to have to use products with peroxide in them and ammonia.
And remember if you do dye your hair semi or permanent their is no going back!
Color does not lift color! meaning if you want to go back bleach peroxide is going to be your only option
So here are some tips I learnt
White Vinegar- rinse your hair with white vinegar! this rinses off all the scum and makes your hair real soft
Maintaining Blonde Dyed hair- for a less brassy look use a hair shampoo with violet color in it... lee Strafford has some real good products example hot shots for blondes
Ash blonde toners help a lot with brassy hair- no peroxide or ammonia
Camomile tea- brew up a kettle and put about 3 camomile tea bags let them infuse and when it gets cold pour it on your hair its meant to bring out the blonde
If you have natural blonde hair or dyed and you want to go a bit a lighter then squeeze a lemon add the cooled camomile tea put it in a spray bottle and go in the sun and keep spraying your hair with it.
I dont consider myself fat nor thin.. we always find lumps and bumps that we don't like about ourselves. Hardest part is excepting them but sometimes you can do things to maybe make them better like
Exercise- who ever told you working out one part of your body is going to make you lose weight in that area is wrong.
you will get muscle their but not lose weight in a specific area, when you loose weight you loose it from everywhere you then need to tone it and then that is were you can choose certain areas you would like more tone in your body
Cellulite- We all have cellulite some women more than others! best thing i've found so far is called fangocrema Guam mud based cream it is a little expensive but i have seen improvements.
Hope you liked my beauty tips if you have any you'd like to share feel free
Even maybe any questions
Remember Im no doctor so please consult someone if you want to try one of these products out before
Best of luck
Feel beautiful in your skin :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Are looks important?
Do attractive people get more attention?
If this is true then what happens to the unattractive people? How are they feeling at this very moment?
I’m curious at what age did you first have boyfriends?
Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Teenage life can be such a tough struggle for the majority of us woman. We have to deal with many changes and decisions to make. We all have one major problem in common and that’s boys!
Somehow boys become a priority in our life the urge to be loved comes out in us. We put sports, education, and friendship aside. I say its all these love stories we see the kind of stories that make us cry make our hearts ache, it’s these things that make us think we need and want love!
Where boys come in competition enters and jealousy begins. At the most difficult time in our life’s where’s the girl power going?
And I’m writing this to tell you girls who haven’t had boyfriends yet! yes the fact is pretty girls do get more attention and you know what most of us girls aim so high as well were all a little vain you have to admit that! I may have been lucky in your eyes to have had a boyfriend but with a boyfriend came getting my heartbroken and passing through a lot of pain. I just want to tell you that from all I’ve been through I’ve learnt that I want to be proud of who I am I want to understand myself and I want to feel comfortable in my skin. Having a boyfriend does not solve or make all these problems go away.
So what does? the answer is very simple and its... you! Believing in yourself and setting out goals to reach is what will make you happy and understand yourself and your needs!
I think the key to a good relationship is that you know yourself and how can you know yourself at such a young age? I’m not saying if you get the chance to be with a guy not to take it all I’m saying is they don’t make films for girls who don’t get attention and who don’t have boyfriends and the fact is we are the majority of girls! We all have insecurities and we all have our bad days your not alone!